"What would we humans be without a soul? Bound in a material life, deprived of dream journeys, of the beauty of hope, deprived of love and enthusiasm, we would become vague, rigid and cold objects, walking shadows trying to communicate by words whose vibrations are dead, words whose truth cannot possibly be proved. We would be machines, we would be robots, we would be nothing. Thank YOU, GOD, for having given us a soul. Through the soul, we have learned to know ourselves, to recognize the beauty of life, and to reach YOU!"

Published Works: English

Plutind printre stele
O carte despre actorii generatiei de aur a teatrului, filmului si timpul studentiei lor.

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Wings In The Darkness
The Second World War.

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Would You Like To Dance?
"In the middle of this contemporary ordeal, thanks to truly wonderful souls, to some quite rarepeople, the Earth still receives sunlight, still benefits from the clemency of Deity towards non-perishability, the stars do shine in the night sky, and their light must be more than conciliatory. Such a human being, of a gentleness and wisdom worthy of admiration, proves to be SILVIA CINCA, writer, novelist, director, film critic with an exceptional literary activity – invariably crossed by a rare unearthly light, one might say. Since 1966, when she published her first book, Silvia Cinca revealed, precisely yearly, new editorial issues in Romanian or English, enriching the national literary heritage.
" – George Stroia

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Magic Of Life
"Silvia Cinca's latest collection of stories are inspiring, enchanting, and uplifting. Cinca's enduring understandings about faith, beauty, and love are woven gracefully throughout each story and leave us pondering our own lives. Cinca believes in the value of human goodness and shares the possibilities that exist through universal love." - Bethany Halliday (Editor)

This book is also available in Romanian under the title Magia Vietii.

10 Ron or equivalent. Email us to order.

The Run
"Two o'clock at night. A rented car took us, in order that our track would be lost, to Salonic. I left behind a life, a mother..."

This book is also available in Romanian under the title Fuga.

18 Ron or equivalent. Email us to order.
LUMINA - Magical Journey of Life, Dreams, Success by Silvia Cinca
"It has its truly magic moments. Felt like I had met a wise and experienced traveler, who generously shared her unique secrets for a safe and enlightened journey down the path of life."
Tom S. Graham, Sources, A Visionary Magazine - Maryland

"The author's work offered us, and can be, of intimate assistance to inquiring minds." - Caylin Levitan, Omega Magazine - Arizona

Forest of Angels
Forest of Angels is a striking tapestry of contrasts in which Ms. Cinca uses her poetic style of writing to interweave love with violence, and good with evil. With her own spiritual strength, richly threaded throughout the book to create finely textured brocade, Ms. Cinca allows us to recognize the reality of the light as well as the darkness in these uncertain times. The book is dedicated to children who experience the trauma of shooting in schools or elsewhere. For memories and love!

Hoot of the Owl
"During the cruel reign of Vlad the Impaler, two of his subjects forge a forbidden love and embark on a destiny as dangerous and passionate as the times in which they lived. Ms. Cinca writes a captivating love story, deftly weaving in breathtaking moments of Romanian history." - Julie Moffet (Best-selling author of Fleeting Splendor)

Scream (OUT OF PRINT) A story set under the time period of Romania Ceausescu's era. "A moving and chilling tale of life and love in a police state, told with immediacy and acuity of someone who knows the subject-matter firsthand." - Ronald Bogue (Associate Professor, Comparative Literature, University of Georgia)

Comrade Dracula
(OUT OF PRINT) "An eerie, haunting and riveting story that will keep you up into the night. With homage to Frank Kafka and George Orwell, Comrade Dracula is a story about hte illusion of freedom and the price of conscience." - Michael P. Lambert (Author and College English Professor) ARA Award 1988.

Homo Spiritus
(OUT OF PRINT) Ancient tradition and the power of man. Eastern European mysticism, occultism and mind potential. ARA Award 1988
The Night of The Rising Dead
(OUT OF PRINT) The Night of the Rising Dead consists of a variety of short stories. Their realistic touch, mysterious atmosphere and original polots catch the reader. These stories are written with an unmatched warmth and a fertile imagination.
Published works in Romanian

Jocul nopților
Gânduri de noapte din realitatea zilei.

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Perdeaua de sticlă
Aventura minții sau prezența superterestră.

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Momente în ecourile sufletului.

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Memoria verde
Din oglinda vieții. Suferința pădurilor, lacrima oamenilor de bine!

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Un roman de dragoste.

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Plutind printre stele
O carte despre actorii generatiei de aur a teatrului, filmului si timpul studentiei lor.

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Aripi in bezna
Cel de-al doilea Razboi Mondial.

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"In the middle of this contemporary ordeal, thanks to truly wonderful souls, to some quite rarepeople, the Earth still receives sunlight, still benefits from the clemency of Deity towards non-perishability, the stars do shine in the night sky, and their light must be more than conciliatory. Such a human being, of a gentleness and wisdom worthy of admiration, proves to be SILVIA CINCA, writer, novelist, director, film critic with an exceptional literary activity.
George Stroia

Email us to order.


Radiografii pentru succes

de Silvia Cinca
Editura Semne

O noua editie a cartii bestseller Radiografii pentru succes, 1993, imbogatita, revizuita, noi informatii. Noua editie Editura Semne Decembrie 2014.

20 Ron or equivalent.

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Fuga - Incursiuni autobiografice.

de Silvia Cinca
Editura Semne

O biografie competa este cea care arata ce ai daruit vietii din sufletul tau, alaturi de faptele anilor tai.

18 Ron or equivalent.

Email us to order.


Ofensiva curajului
Infruntari razlete la reintoarcere
de Silvia Cinca
Editura RUBY
ISBN 973-87844-0-9

M-am reintors. Pentru ca m-au chemat. Oamenii cunoscuti, pamantul si anii trecuti pe aceste meleaguri, stramosii si crucile lor, iar mai presus de orice m-a impins cu puterea lui de neinvins, dorul. Si iata-ma...

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Neprevazutul metamorfozeaza adevarurile elementare ce hranesc existenta zilnica a persoanjului central intr-o cautare metafizica (intalnita si in alte recente scrieri ale autoarei) in care realitatea se substituie fictiunii, fictiunea transformandu-se la randul ei in expresia triadica a adevarurilor simple: viata, moartea si dragostea. Coperata realizata de Daniel.
Ofera premize pentru o societate prospera si o viata demna.Schimbarea este cea mai fundamentala operatiune a universului. Fiecare lucru oricare ar fi el este in schimbare.
Padurea Ingerilor
Criticul si istoricul literar Aurel Sasu: "Padurea ingerilor e o poveste simpla, ca o soapta de iubire, ca o moarte nemeritata. E un scurt, misterios, dramatic itinerariu al vietii, al celei imaginate si al celei traite. Doua destine se frang in umbra insangerata a acestei lumi. Ramanand in urma lor lumina care lumineaza in intuneric."

Gabriel vorbeste din Imparatia Spiritului
(REEDITATA sub titlul Mesagerul sperantei)
Gabriel revine din Imparatia Spiritului

Din adancul constiintei. Adevaruri incredibile. Aventura spiritului. Prdictii despre viitorul lumii. Uimitoare descoperiri din lumea de dincolo. Un spirit ne vorbeste despre viata si moarte. Cele sapte ceruri. Comunicari sub transa.
Fascinatia Misterelor
Preot Constantin Galeriu: "Cartea ne dezvaluie lumea spiritului �n care autoarea crede. Ea contine de asemenea elemente definitorii ale conditiei umane. Priviti omul din slava firii dumnezeiesti, din eternitatea lui Dumnezeu. Caci el omul a fost creeat dupa chipul si asemanarea lui Dumnezeu. Si Doamna Silvia Cinca este un martor al acestei viziuni spirituale la care omul are acces. Credinta noastra ortodoxa accepta spiritualitatea, adica realitatea lumii spirituale. Aceasta este o dogma, o marturie a credintei noastre. Cartea exprima acest crez spiritualist. Marturia Doamnei Silvia Cinca o distinge in lumea dreptei credinte. Cartea da o bucurie sufletului nostru. Mesajul cartii restaureaza ordinea adevarata a firii, demonstrand ca ansamblul justifica partile si nu invers."

Radiografii pentru iubire
"Autoarea priveste in jurul sau dar si in urma, cantareste, compara, judeca, observa contrastele, diferenntele, cautand dincolo de acestea, punti rezistente de comunicare umana". Premiul Romfest 1992

Radiografii pentru success
(REEDITATA) O carte aparuta in mai multe limbi. O carte ce schimba felul Dvs. de a gandi si va aduce bucuria si succesul. Premiul Mnemos 1993
Arsita texana semnata Roberta King
O poveste de iubire.

Romanul emigratiei


Criticul Mircea Iorgulescu: "O proza a smulgerii si a obsesiei intemeierii."

Criticul M.N. Rusu: "Silvia Cinca- un nume pentru constiinta luminata si ireductibila a literaturii romane contemporane."

Scriitorul George Astalos: "Aventura epica, tensiunea dramatica, spaima escatologica proiectata in spatele unei aparente detasari, ironia si autoironia disimilate, fac din "Strigatul" Silviei Cinca unul dintre cele mai rascolitoare romane ale literaturii actuale - afirmatie pe care indraznesc sa cred ca analistul, criticul si istoricul literar o vor confirma in viitor. Nici nu va putea fi altfel!"

Zapada nevazuta
Roman care urmareste intr-o naratiune cu caracter simbolic, raportul dintre dragostea pasionala si dragostea ideala si consecintele pe care aceste forme de manifestare le au asupra partenerului. O istorie antrenanta si captivanta la limita dinte real si fantastic.
Spargeti oglinzile
Proza scurta
Pisica si vorbele. Semnata Silvia Nicolau Cinca
Proza scurta
Jean Gabin

Trenul fara statii
Poveste pentru copii
Reeditata Editura Semne

This is a partial list of the authors have written about Silvia Cinca and her books: George Astalos, Andrei Codrescu, Andrei Pandrea; Politolog and University Professor Vladimir Tismaneanu; Literary critics: Gabriel Dimisianu, Zoe Dumitrescu-Busulenga, Georgeta Ciocaltea, Mircea Iorgulescu, Virgil Nemoianu and M. N. Rusu; Journalists: Constantin Alexandroaie, George Alexe, Radu Barbulescu, Miron Butariu, Rev. Gheorghe Calciu-Dumitreasa, Dan Costescu, Dumitru Ichim, Andriana Fianu, Titu Popescu, Mihai Radea, Nestor Ratesh, George Teodor.

In the American newspapers, magazines, Radio and TV: University Professor Ronald Bogue, Mike Baker (TV Channel 56 - Washington D.C.) Mary E. Boylen, Stewart Mc. Carty (TV Channel 10 - Washington D. C.) Reid Collins (National CNN TV) Tom G. Graham, Michel Lombert, Caylin Levitan, University Professor Elaine Makas, Mihailo Mihailov, Gabrielle Rodhes, Jean Stepanov, Jan Steven, Sophia Tarila and others. Biography in The Marquis Who's Who...

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